Sunday, January 8, 2012


2011 was, in a word, weird. It was the weirdest year of my life so far. (i'm sure things will get weirder) The main things that happened are: Cade graduated Law school. Got a job. I got fatter than i ever wanted to be (but come next baby will accept the weight again). had a baby. that pretty much sums up my year. We are so thankful for 2011. We were blessed with more than we imagined possible.
as for 2012...
this is the year of KRISTI - as apposed to last year, the year of Remy- . I am going to improve myself. bigtime. but unlike years past, this year i'm going to succeed. :) I would like to exercise more often and possible lose some of the remaining evidence of the kid. I want to be able to run a 10K . also I have the goals of scripture study, and listening in church. and also I want to start cooking. boo yeah.
Remy's goals: grow a tooth, eat people food, crawl, walk, maybe say a few words.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Anyone can run a 10k, I know because I did...