On Sunday Remy became a man. He is 5 months old. I can't believe how old he is. It seriously feels like yesterday I went in and birthed him out. Crazy. he is the cutest baby I have ever seen. He is always smiling and laughing (when he isn't screaming). A few things to remember about Remy right now
-SUper ticklish
-still won't take a bottle
-has the cutest laugh
- has a huge smile
- I think he looks like Cade, word on the street is that he looks like me
- He is tall and skinny
- only occasionally falls asleep not in someones arms
- He can sit for quite a while now
- splashes in the tub
- even if he's crying when cade comes home, right when Remy sees him he immediately smiles and laughs
- His Hair is growing
- He Loves paper
- Loves the Christmas tree
-Loves his little books
-Likes his head scratched
-I moved him to the pac'n'play from his bassinet :(
- loves it in the front pack
-Giggles when I sing to him in my opera voice
-still has only rolled over once on his own
- does not like tummy time and of course i give in and roll him over
-LOVES to nurse (i'm trying to make a bottle at least acceptable)