Wednesday, July 27, 2011


this is how cade
has been studying for the past 2 weeks

Today and yesterday cade has been taking the Bar. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. I am so lucky to have such a fellow as cade. I know that everything he does is for me and Remy. We have been so lucky to have such a great life.

Now on to Remy:

we have had him for 2 weeks. He had is 2 week appointment yesterday. He is an average sized baby. except for his height. he is nice and tall. Cade couldn't be more excited. He sleeps less and less. Its really traumatizing to me. I used to get like 4 hours in between each time i fed him. now i'm lucky to get 3. that equals getting up like 3 times each night. it is really a shame.

He is awake more and more. I'm trying to not hold him as much. He is really not used to not being held. All in all he is a good baby.


erin said...

and he is a cute one too. good luck to cade!

Mickelle said...

He's a cutie! Sorry he's a stinker about the whole sleeping thing. Hope he doesn't teach it to mine :)

Alyssa Harper said...

What a cutie! If you can, try and master the art of nursing while lying down. Makes all the night time feedings a dream. Mostly, I just sleep while she eats. :) You're such a cute momma. Post more pictures!