Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baby boy Buck

Well, it happened. Kristi gave birth yesterday at 6:22 p.m. 7 pounds 11 ounces born on 7/11. Not too bad. Baby and mom are both doing great. Kristi had her doctor's appt at 8:45 yesterday morning, and he told us to head to the hospital. We got here at about 11 am, got the water broke at about 1, walked the halls a couple times in the next few hours, took a shower at about 5:15 and the contractions started getting more intense. Got out of the shower and called a nurse at about 5:45, told her that "I have a couple questions." Kristi was at a 10 and the nurse immediately called the doctor to get on his way from bountiful. Kristi didn't wait, however, and it was almost out by the time he got here. Her two favorite quotes of the day: "I can't believe it!" ( repeated many times right after he was born and he was on her chest), and "this is the weirdest day." so far, we have to wake him up to try and get him to eat, but it just seems that he'd rather be sleeping. Pictures to come shortly (as well as the decision on a name).


brody_joce said...

woo hoo guys, sooo excited for you! Let us know when we can meet this little guy!

Burke and Emily Adams said...

Yeah! Congrats you guys! Can't wait to see pics!

erin said...

yay congratulations!!!!!! i cant wait to see pictures and here his name.

Alyssa Harper said...


Camille said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

Sun said...

Congratulations!!!! No rush or anything but I can't wait to see what he looks like!