Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I vowed i would never, but alas

I vowed to never just take a picture of my belly and post it, but i've given in to the social pressures and normalities. This is me at about 32 or 33 weeks. probably in between actually. I can never believe how large I am. i don't feel like i'm that huge but then i look at this picture and I stand corrected. my name is kristi, but my friends call me ginormica.


Alyssa Harper said...

Oh man, I know how you feel. Everyone told me I was small for being so pregnant, but it SO did not help. I felt ginormous...seriously, like I lumbered when I walked and got stuck laying down. No bueno. So, this may not help, but I honestly think it: You look so cute! And tiny for how pregnant you are. Really. Can't wait to see your cute baby!

erin said...

ok im just going to go with it and be annoying... YOU ARE STILL SO SMALL! lets not compare. excited to hear the news once your little man arrives! oh, and you do look quite cute.

breanne said...

Yeah I agree with everyone else. That is one of the smallest 32/33 week tummies I have ever seen!

Zane and Cami said...

Yay for giving in to social pressures! I was hoping you would post a pic. And you look awesome!!!! It honestly looks like you are just a few months along. Darling, darling!