Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well, final preparations are in full swing. My finals begin next week and run for 2 weeks, and Kristi's finals are the second week. We are both trying to cram in as much as we can (in hind-sight, we, actually more me than Kristi, probably should have done a little more studying throughout the semester instead of doing it this way). Kristi has to go to her anatomy lab quite often to study the cadavers. So, school is keeping us pretty busy right now, and we can't wait until December 18th, aka the start of our Christmas break. Wish us luck with finals.

1 comment:

alias: Ender Wiggin said...

Hi Kirsti! I sorry to hear you both are suffering through finals but its almost done!
Plus, you made it 2 years! yay!!
I miss you!