Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the leap. {year}

so we don't do anything. BFD. Actually I have been very busy. pinning away. I have a really long to do list now :)
My goal for March- make Remy go to bed earlier than 10 and wake up not so much.
The battle with food is marching on. he slurped some applesauce from my toast and sucked some sugar off a mini spooner. i'm a good mom. pure sugar.

I have some more pictures to upload. maybe today??? but for now:

Balancing act

We still have our chick
Fine dining: strawberry frosted mini wheat

Bucks Rule

Monday, February 20, 2012

We love long weekends. I'm so sad for Cade to get back to work. We had a nice time in BC. Remy is getting better. I got a little something but it's not too bad. I'm sure I didn't get it from Remy, that would be embarrassing to get a cold from a baby. We mostly just hung out and ate all weekend. Boo yeah

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

take 2

I solemnly swear I am up to no good:

i'm going to start {again} my frequent blogging. now I know everyone is wondering, what is up with the Bucks. That is a good question. I'm not sure. my days are a blur. Remy is 7 months old. I can't believe it. I will say that everytime he reaches a milestone in his life. I can't believe it. he grew 2 teeth and got his first cold. He does not crawl, but he does go from sitting to face plant pretty often. he gets up on his knees when he has something to grab onto. and recently he discovered the art of walking in his walker. super super cute. our computer is slowly slowly dying. one day it will be forever broken. so far we've been able to get it up and running everytime it turns off because of the "blue screen of death" but i think it is almost ready to leave us. Cade and I have been dreaming of living the lives of homeowners so we have looked at a few houses. even though I don't know when we'll actually buy, it is super fun looking and thinking about what we want. Remy has this sick cough. due to paranoia i took him to the doctor and got him something for his "bronchial infection". I think maybe the doctor just gave it to him to calm my nerves. it worked so I won't complain. We are planning on going camping for the long weekend. so we'll see how that goes i guess.

mischief managed.