Sunday, December 20, 2009

FREEDOM!!!! Oh sweet freedom

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well, final preparations are in full swing. My finals begin next week and run for 2 weeks, and Kristi's finals are the second week. We are both trying to cram in as much as we can (in hind-sight, we, actually more me than Kristi, probably should have done a little more studying throughout the semester instead of doing it this way). Kristi has to go to her anatomy lab quite often to study the cadavers. So, school is keeping us pretty busy right now, and we can't wait until December 18th, aka the start of our Christmas break. Wish us luck with finals.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

..... ...........

Happy anniversary to us!! We made it 2 years. It has gone by so fast and has been the best. A wise man once said " i'm in love, i'm in love, and I don't care who knows it" (Elf)

We have gained so much love these past years. and weight.
Now for an update: School, work, school. bla bla bla. I made a pumpkin pie from a real pumpkin. It is the most domestic thing I've ever done. It even tasted ok. We are almost done with this semester so that means crunch time. all the slacking i've done needs to be made up. I am so excited for christmas (break especially). It seems like I should be able to write something else but I can't think of anything else we did. ps Graduation is right around the corner. April can't come fast enough. Holla

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Fun

The three amigos in their get-away car

Some seniorita getting friendly with Dusty Bottoms

Now some dude thanking Dusty Bottoms

We have Jarom and Heidi (actually John and Mer dressed up as Jarom and Heidi), with the real Heidi and Jarom.

Two bumblebees

Wherever there is injustice, you will find us. Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there. Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find.....The Three Amigos.

That same girl just hangin out

There's that creepy guy again.

Wow, it's not two different people, it's Kristi the Man-Woman

Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

mini photo shoot

Our Friend Jon did a mini photoshoot for us so we could have some recent pictures. He is a great photographer and did a great job despite what he had to work with. We love Fall Colors!

ps congratulations to my Papa for a job well done with launching the rocket. I watched the launch on the NASA channel (the only time i've ever watched it and probably the last). It was exciting.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's that time again....

Again It is time to announce the Chili cookoff!! ! this year is a special treat, soup edition. the past 5 years have been filled with delicious chilis of every kind: green, black, spicy, delicious, white, I could go on and on, most people have run out of awardwinning chili recipes so we decided to hold a special edition this year. SOUP!! come one come all and bring your soup.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Last Post

Hey everybody, just wanted to give some commentary on the last post. First of all I did not hit Kristi and give her a bruise on her knee. She is a flag-football all-star, and had a collision with another player. Then Kristi, her parents, Kurt, Danny, and Heidi & kids went camping up in Idaho this past weekend. I wish I could have gone, but I had work and a lot of homework. They had a lot of fun, and it was really beautiful, from what I hear.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

what once was lost, now is found

We put our pictures on the computer so I can post new pictures. yippee!!!! woot woot

The Canyon
Go Aggies!

Mer and me in Vegas.

our "endure to the endzone" garb.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Welcome, Baby London Jane

I have a new little niece! Baby London Jane Olsen was born on Thursday October 8. She is just adorable and I can't wait to meet her. I guess I'll have to make a trip to Florida in the near future. Little Sadie seems pleased with her mama's accomplishment. Congratulations Mark and Ash! She is so Fab!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

B B B B Blogging

hello cyberspace!!! I wish there was something to blog about, but alas, nothing. All we do is school and work all the time. Cade has a break from school this week. Lucky. I am taking anatomy this semester so it feels like all my time is devoted to cadavers even though I spend a fraction of the time in the lab than most people. sheesh. We went to the BYU USU game and of course we were in our Aggies Gear. They did pretty well. Our life is the same day after day after day. woo hoo!
ps I tried to add a new picture of us but we haven't even taken any. thats how exciting things are.

Monday, September 7, 2009

USA Soccer

Hey there everybody, it's been a while since I've blogged. I've been leaving it to Kristi for the last while now. School is back, and it's going good. We got to go to the US vs El Salvador Soccer game this weekend (Kristi's Birthday present), and it was so much fun. My camera is stupid so we lost a couple pics, but we did salvage these.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Here are some pictures of our summer after we got back from DC. I wish I could go back to our fab summer.

Hiking Mt. Timp
Las Vegas

Stache, the mustache


Fishing Trip


Most Killer pool ever. there is a water slide through the fish tank




Catch of the day


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am 21. I can't believe it finally came. I have been waiting for this year for my entire life. For my birthday I got lots of great loot. Cade gave me a snuggie and tickets to the US v. El Salvador soccer game. I am so excited. Also I had a mocktale party with kristinis. It was a great couple of days. the saturday before my birthday we went rafting and it was so awesome. Cade spent many hours working on our car (the transmission went out) and incredibly he fixed it!! we bought a car in case he couldn't get it working again so we have 2 cars. School also started. we're both really busy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

oh lovely, lovely summer

Oh man, this summer has been the BOMB.Com Cade and I have spent pretty much every single day (since we came back to utah) hanging out. we went camping about 4 times and then to finish off our stressful summer we went to Vegas. I had never been and I loved it. I finished my Physiology class and I got my grade.. a passing grade might I say. I am the proud owner of a B- in Human Phys. yippee. on the more unfortunate note our car is broken and we somehow waited the entire summer to buy one so now we are going back to provo on monday but still have no car. oops. we were too busy having tons of fun. I hope to put some pics on soon. (i'm just so un-busy i'm busy)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Photos for the last post

Mama Buck, Kristi, and Cade in the Sacred Grove

Niagara Falls


Kirtland Temple

Nauvoo Temple

In Carthage Jail, through the bullet hole that hit Hyrum

Mount Rushmore
Martin's Cove
P.S. Here is the picture portion of Kristi's Post, hopefully in the order of how she explained it.